Monday, October 23, 2006

Presenting your work

Create project outlines to prepare yourself for presenting your book at the end of the quarter. Your projects will say a lot on their own; your job is to give insight to your thinking, design process, and your unique solution to the assignment. Have all the information below top-of-mind when presenting your work and you'll be prepared for questions:

TITLE AND CONCISE DESCRIPTION: Describe the project in one sentence.

CLIENT DESCRIPTION: Provide a brief description of who the client is and what makes them unique in their industry. What insight did you gain in your research?

INTENDED AUDIENCE: Provide a concise description of the audience, including demographics and main insights gained in your research.

INTENDED MESSAGE AND DESIRED REACTION: What is the problem you’re solving? What message are you sending with this project through its form, content, and tone? Does it have a call to action?

APPROPRIATE SOLUTION: How do your design decisions suit your audience? How well does it function in the real world? Is it responsible design in terms of sustainability (reusable, recyclable, etc.)?

UNIQUE AND MEMORABLE: What will make this project get the attention of your audience? What makes it stand apart from the crowd?


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